Demo Launch June 22, 2024

Greetings one and all. Welcome to the world of One Wild Weekend in Texas. This game began as the prologue to a different project, but at a certain point I thought the idea deserved its own game and put the other project on hold. Like most devs in this genre I started as a fan, working my way through the usual popular titles until I wondered how hard it was to actually make these. Given that I knew a little bit of python and had done some 3d modelling and photography, the immediate conclusion I came to was that it was possible, perhaps even easy.

Well... I made it more difficult than it needed to be. I could have had my first game idea out quickly, but I don't think the final product would have been something I was proud of. So I built some skills, started posting on Instagram, and after a few thousand renders for practice here we are.

The hero of this game isn't saving the world... He's just trying to get through a holiday weekend with his family. It's entirely up to you how well he fares in that regard. 

Folks who support me on Patreon at even the $3 level will get the game updates as each day is completed, and have the option of participating in my playtesting process for my STEAM launch. Anyone who reports a bug that I can repeat and repair will be mentioned in the end game credits. I'm also looking for feedback on the visual style as the game goes. I am using Daz to create the images and doing a fairly high amount of post work to get this look, and I am curious how folks feel about that. 

My plan for the release date of the full game is late September 2024. I have 90% of the coding done and 40% of the still renders complete with working versions of 80% of the animations as of the day this is posted. I am working alone on all of that, and appreciate any support you can give either through donations here or Patreon support.

I am working exclusively on a Windows release at this time. with the intent of expanding to different platforms in the future if there is interest. The demo should be available for download June 22, 2024.

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